- "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
- "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
On my drive to Ann Arbor that early afternoon we were in the middle of a major rain storm with sun coming towards us from the west. As you can imagine - it formed a beautiful rainbow, but not just a rainbow - a full rainbow (I mean both sides stretching all the way down to the ground - reaching way up in the sky), but not just a full rainbow - a double full rainbow. Yep that is right - not just one but two. It was a great reminder, to us driving south in the Tahoe that day, of God's love and promises to us.
All of that brings me to a day a couple of weeks ago. Here are a couple of pictures of what we saw out our window that night:
Earlier that day we had received news that for the first time - Autumn had no protein in her urine. PTL - God is continuing to heal her (understand that she is on many medications to make these things happen, but we are still believing and praying that God will completely heal her kidneys) - here is a recent picture of our little miracle - does this look like a sick kid to you? Nope - us either. We thank God every day for her life and the way that He is working in her. She is a blessing to us and is loved tremendously by her big sister. I will try to get a video on later of these two sisters, but today I am thankful for God's promises. He also has promised eternal life to all who believe in His son. I can't wait!!