Autumn Faith Hess was born this morning @ 11:14 am. She is 6 lbs 11 oz. Jen’s water broke at about 2:00 am this morning and we spent the entire morning in the hospital. After some complications, Autumn was delivered by emergency C-Section. Jen is doing fine and is recovering well in Mid Michigan Regional Medical Center – Midland. Autumn has experienced some complications today and is now at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor. She has experienced some trauma and lost a lot of blood. After some work, they did get Autumn’s heart to beat, but they are still breathing for her. As I write this we (Sep, Pastor Dave, Rachel & I) are on our way to Ann Arbor, so I am asking that you all continue to pray for Jen (she needs to heal physically and emotionally right now) and for Autumn (I just received a call from the doctor in Ann Arbor and he said that she is much better now than she was when she left Midland) that God would continue to make her healthy, independent and strong. Also, for Jayna, with Mom in the hospital and Dad going to Ann Arbor – she is going to be needing some patience and understanding (which doesn’t exactly come easy to a 5 year old). Thanks so much to all of you who have been praying for us today and for the prayers that will continue throughout these next few days!! Pops always taught me that ‘If it doesn’t work under pressure, then what good is it?’ Well, today this new daddy is under pressure so pray that we hold on to Jesus. He is our comfort, strength and peace today.
Thank you God for showing your POWER today. We love you Autumn...I can't wait to see you and touch you...Love Aunt Allison
But I am so happy that Uncle Sep got to hold your little hand tonight. You melted his heart!
Aaron, Jen and Autumn:
We are thinking about and praying for all of you. We are so glad that Jen is out of the hospital and able to be with her little girl. All of our love.
Jake, Jen, Lydia and Garret
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