We praise God for this past year and all He has done for our family! What a blessing to be celebrating this incredible year full of miracles! This little spitfire of a girl has something in store for her to further God's kingdom. It is so fun watching her grow and seeing who God is making her to be. I love His plans! They are always so perfect! We had a nice quaint party for her 1st birthday. She really enjoyed herself. We hope you enjoy a few of the pictures.
She had no problem opening the gifts! She knows how to get to the good stuff!
'Hmmm, what is this in front of me...'

Girl after my heart! Cake is meant to be eaten by hand not fork. We love your family! Ryan
Happy belated birthday Autumn. I am not always able to check this site. I cannot get into it at work because they consider it to be spam. And my computer at home is slow. anyway... I am so happy to see Autumn celebrate this big event. Your family is special! Take care and my God continue to bless Autumn with many more celebrations. Love, Aunt Mary
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