I thought maybe a big update on our whole family is due because of my lack of entries lately. I am very sorry I haven't kept up that well. I am hoping this summer will allow me a little more time to take pictures and blog. I will start with Jayna...

Jayna is so enjoying school this year. She loves her teacher, Mrs. Robinson. She works hard and is doing a marvelous job! She recently told Dr. Juarbe that her favorite subject is math. She also loves to read and just recently passed on to the next level in the reading lab that all the students go to. Also, Jayna was named student of the month in March! We are so very proud of her! She enjoys her church activities very much as well. She loves her Sunday School teachers and her Wednesday night CLC teachers. This coming Wed., she will receive all the badges she earned this year by learning about the truths in the Bible and applying them. Jayna has such a loving heart. We so enjoy her fun-loving spirit!

Autumn is growing and changing all of the time, as are most kids at this age. She is quite a spunky gal. She spent a night in the hospital again a few weeks ago and they were calling her "the wild woman." (This is what we often say about her at home as well.) She loves to TALK, go outside exploring, blow bubbles, read, run around everywhere, etc. The girl is almost always on the move and so is her jaw. She has found a love for some new foods too: blueberries, suckers, popsicles, green beans, Italian wedding soup...(she likes to keep us guessing). Isn't this picture of the blueberry face just hilarious?!?!

Jayna and Autumn are definitely typical sisters. On Easter morning, they were loving each other and finding eggs together. They also can't wait to greet each other in the morning or after school. They have the other sister side too...bugging, teasing, fighting, etc. All in all, they have so much love for one another and are each others joy.

Aaron has been working very hard these past few months. He has had to be out of town a lot too. His work at church has kept him busy too. Even though these last few months have been tiring for him, he does it because he loves others and he is very good at serving them, whether it be at work, church, home or wherever he might be. He does find time to relax here and there though. He enjoys playing his Wii, goofing around with us girls and following/watching sports. He is looking forward to the golfing season...that is if his finger allows him to swing a club. He is really looking forward to golfing with Jayna in the 2nd annul Terry Hess golf outing this month.
I am keeping myself busy with home (husband, kids, chores), work and service in the church. I have been leading (more like guiding) a ladies Bible study on Thursday nights. This has been a true blessing for me. I am so enjoying the ladies. They are a joy and God is working! I am really enjoying watching my family grow in God! I am so thankful that is who we as a family choose to serve and honor!
Last Sunday we celebrated the 2nd anniversary of Pops'/Grandpa's homegoing. We spent the day together as a family and with our friends. It was a day of memories, laughter, tears and a lot of love. This is one of the greatest gifts that he provided all of us with. His love was amazing, as was his laughter, bird calls, humor, hugs, wisdom, selflessness, guidance, forgiveness, etc. He was this way because of the Creator he served for so many years. God is love, peace, patience, comfort, wisdom, salvation, all-knowing, forgiving...GOD IS ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME! Thank you Lord for our time with a wonderful man, Terry David Hess. Thank you God for ALL that you are!
Love the update! It is so nice to see you all are doing well. We love and miss you guys. Your cousin, Ryan
What a nerd my brother is...
GREAT update, Jen!
Thank you for taking the time to share! I know we're cities apart but I love checking out your blog and keeping up with your beautiful family. You are a great source of hope and encouragement! You are always in my thoughts and dearly missed!:)
What beautiful girls you have. You are so lucky to have such a beutiful extended family. Terry was one of a kind. How dearly he is missed. What a legacy he has left behind with his children and grandchildren.
Love, Peace, and God Bless
Uncle Tom & Aunt Paula
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