Because of Autumn's ports - she hasn't had much tummy time at all. Jen has slowly and safely been allowing her some time. With the help of her boppy, she really enjoys this time. We hope that you enjoy these pictures also!!

We are just a simple family seeking God's direction each and everyday.
Can she get any more cutier???????????? The Borders
She is SO adorable. She is just beautiful. Aaron you have a house full of beautiful ladies, how blessed you are!
What a beautiful baby Autumn is.
Great pictures of her. We are so thankful your family is home together. God bless your family.
Keep in touch.
Love you lots.
Uncle Tom & Aunt Paula
She is really getting stronger! I can't believe how cute she is. It was nice to see you in church last week and to get to peek at Autumn. Looking forward to the day we can hold her. But we know she needs to be protected now. God bless you as you get to spend Thanksgiving together as a family of four. Love, Doug, Theresa, & Kids.
The girls are both beautiful and they both look so healthy and happy. We are so happy for all of you. Our prayers are always with you even when you are at home and all is well. Hope to see you sometime soon.
Jake, Jen, Lydia and Garret
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