Thursday, November 23, 2006

We Are Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving to all! It has been quite a year in our home, full of ups and downs. Upon reflecting today, we realized we have so much to be thankful for. We were at home just the four of us today, so we shared some of the things we are thankful for this year. Here are a few of the things:

1. Our merciful Savior who loves us unconditionally and has forgiven us for our sins. He has been our rock through so many good and bad times this year. He continues to remain by our side everday with loving and guiding hands. As Jayna said today, "Actually, He is my other Daddy."

2. Our family who is full of love (immediate, extended and church). We have all grown together through our trials and triumphs. We are so thankful that God has put us together and continues to grow the bond between us. Our girls are a true blessing from God. He designed them to be beautiful, as well as full of life and love. They are little pieces of Heaven here on earth, made for a Heavenly purpose.

3. Our friends who have loved us, supported us, laughed with us, cried with us and spent some treasured time with us.

4. God's provisions. We have all the things we need and much more. We are healthy, strong, encourage, loved, etc. We are blessed with a home, food, clothes, heat, toys, etc. We have been blessed by the ability to help others in need. All our needs are always met!

We could be here all night writing things we are thankful for, but we will stop here. Be sure to spend some time this next year thanking God for all He is and will be, thanking your family and friends for who they are, and remembering how blessed you are in everyway. What are you thankful for? We would love to hear!! Have a great holiday weekend!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have so much I am thankful for--God, my 4 boys (including the big guy), family, health, jobs, nature, and the list could go on and on. Thanks for asking.

Our Thanksgiving Day was filled with family, food, beautiful weather, board games and lots of laughs. A perfect day!