We had a great weekend with Jayna!! We had lots of fun and she got to spend some quality time with her sister.

We even had a nice little birthday party (just the three of us) at the condo - complete with Fiesta (my birthday dinner of choice for about 25 years now) and a maize and blue cake (Thanks Deb).

Any material gifts that I have received for birthdays in years past we surpassed greatly by this. One of the best hours of my young 32 years.

Thanks to Anne (the night nurse / photographer) we now have a great new family photo. We are a truly blessed family and believe that God is guiding our every step.

Autumn is scheduled to have a MRI on Monday (to determine any brain damage from the loss of blood) and an ultrasound on her kidneys on Tuesday (to look at them to see how they are healing) I will be sure to update you when those tests are finished and results start rolling in!! Thanks for you encouragement to us.
Aaron, Jen, Jayna, and Autumn--Your family photo is adorable. We are praying for Autumn as she goes through her MRI and kidney tests and for continued blessings for your family. Dean & Lori
Aaron--Your posting on Day 20 was very inspiring and emotionally moving. I asked each of my boys to read it because I knew it would touch them as it did me. Your parents and God are beaming with pride about the young man you have become. You are a blessing to my family. Love Lori
Happy Birthday Aaron. May you have many more as happy as this year. What a beautiful family.
Jake, Jen, Lydia and Garret
Beautiful family pictures! We will continue to pray for Autumn and your family as she goes through
the testing. Aaron your posting of what your thankful for was very inspirational. We all should be thankful for what/who we have in our lives. Thanking God for many things.
Uncle Tom & Aunt Paula
I have never seen such a beautiful. I can't express how amazing each and everyone of you look. May god keep blessing you in the days to come. Jayna you look like such an amazing big sister. I hope and pray for you all theres not a day that goes by that I do not think of you all at work and pray for you. Love everyone of you! Kadee Border
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